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Cómo discontinuar el consumo de quetiapina



Many people run into troubling quetiapine withdrawal symptoms when discontinuing this drug. At Alternate to Meds Center, ways to quetiapine withdrawal help have been found which greatly simplify this experience and alleviate symptoms of withdrawal.

Nausea, extreme insomnia, and symptoms of manic depression or schizophrenia are some of the effects commonly experienced at quetiapine withdrawal symptoms. Quetiapine is more commonly known to the public by its brand name, Seroquel. Seroquel, an atypical antipsychotic, is prescribed for bi-polar disorder, insomnia, mania, depression, manic depression, and schizophrenia. Any and all mental illnesses can be addressed without prescription medications like Seroquel. Withdrawing from this medication can be a great choice to make as long as the process is handled in a professional setting with quetiapine withdrawal treatment.

One of the problems associated with quetiapine withdrawal syndrome is the chance of reappearing signs of the disease. Individuals who take this drug for schizophrenia might encounter relapse of schizophrenic symptoms while experiencing quetiapine withdrawal effects. These symptoms are sometimes much worse than they were before the person started taking this antipsychotic. For those who have been taking this drug for manic depression or depression, the withdrawal may intensify to a very intense level. Individuals can become suicidal, encounter feelings of extreme paranoia or worry; have panic attacks, exhibit aggressive behavior and act without thinking, as well as many other things. Therefore, it is crucially important to have quetiapine withdrawal treatment in a medically supervised setting.

A vast amount of possible symptoms are associated with antipsychotic withdrawal. Every person experiences a different group of symptoms depending on variables such as their body chemistry, the length of time on quetiapine, whether or not quetiapine abuse is present, or if they have developed a quetiapine addiction. Out of all the potential withdrawal side effects of discontinuing this drug, insomnia is one of the symptoms, some individuals have reported months or sometimes years after ending this medication, they still experience insomnia or other sleep disturbances. With professional quetiapine withdrawal help, the chance of residual symptoms lasting for long periods periods is substantially reduced.

Some of the many quetiapine withdrawal symptoms include: irritability, severe restlessness, insomnia, agitation, restless leg syndrome, nausea, manic depression, manic excitement, vomiting, hearing voices, hallucinations, delusions, shakes, vision problems, rapid heart rate, dizziness , weakness, indigestion, constipation, gas, stomach swelling or pain, excessive weight gain, pain in the joints, increased appetite, headaches, dry mouth, unusual or strange dreams, stuffy nose, loss of coordination, decreased sexual desire, difficulty speaking, difficulty concentrating, difficulty thinking, irregular menstrual cycles, tingling arms or legs, enlargement of breasts in evils, and discharge from breasts.

Since insomnia can be one of the most troubling quetiapine side effects of withdrawal, there are several things a person can practice to relax their head at night. It appears as though to fear of insomnia leads to more insomnia. Certain body and brain exercises can get the person’s mind off their fear of insomnia, as well as the other changes that their body is experiencing from withdrawal. Having a thorough and structured withdrawal plan will lessen substantially the painful symptoms. Seeking advice from a reputable medication rehab such as Alternative to Meds Center will make the procedure of Quetiapine tapering much more like an adventure to a “mental illness” free and drug free lifestyle. Outpatient and inpatient treatment programs are both offered and well equipped to address each person’s individual needs in order to be comfortable.

Drinking enough water each day, regular exercising, doing yoga and stretching, sweating out toxins out in the sauna, avoiding chocolate, caffeine, and other stimulants, going into a healthy nutritional rhythm, staying away from people who make the person upset, and limiting activities that are stimulating (bright lights, computers, televisions) before bedtime especially.

Getting to the bottom of why the person was on antipsychotic medication initially can be alleviated through cognitive behavioral counseling. All of these activities benefit the mind, heart, body, and soul, and decrease pain through building strength, energy, calmness, stamina, and balance. The most important part of this process is quetiapine withdrawal help. You are invited to call and speak with us, and receive an idea of ​​the sort of help which is available.